Sunday, August 13, 2006

11:17 & another math check - gerlinda

woah! i can't believe my math was that far off!!
and, speaking of incorrect math, my 1st 5K wasn't in 2005 - it was in january, this year - 2006! it's just that so much has happened since then that it feels like a lifetime ago. So, i think it's pretty cool i've gone from a 43ish 5K to a 29ish 5K in 8 months.

Rama, Lauren & I did our 9 mile out & back this morning. I chose this route b/c there weren't a lot of twists and turns and most of it was scenic. we ran from the corner of McClendon & Clifton (at the Flying Biscuit Cafe) to the corner of Briarcliff & Clifton - so, basically, we ran through Candler Park, then crossed Ponce and into whatever neighborhood that is - North Druid Hills?, then past N. Decatur Road and through the Emory University Campus. If you cut right on E. Clifton and loop back to Clifton, the course is exactly 4.5 miles one way, 9 miles out & back.

Rama was cursing me because of the hills... and honestly, it's impossible to find a flat route in Atlanta, but this particular course had 2 long, slow hills that put you on at least a 20% incline for quarter to half-miles at a time - Each Way. Somehow, these hills were more gruesome and brutal than the steeper (but shorter) ones on my Grant Park route. Alas! At least it's good training, right?

I ran the course in 1:40:54, which is an 11:17 pace, and as i've said - this was a slow, hilly course. So, I guess I'm on track for my 11:20 MRP (marathon race pace.) I've been totally geeking out, reading whatever I can find about running. I just finished Pam Reed's book - she's freaking insane. She ran 300 miles without stopping; she's won the badwater ultramarthon twice. I respect her accomplishments, but, seriously lady - you're a nutcase. after i'm done with my marathon, i have no idea what i'll try to accomplish next. but...i'm thinking something a little less monotonous than climbing a mountain, or doing one of those outback experiences. even a half ironman or something. but please, god, no more running! :)

as you can tell, i'm still riding my endorphin high. blabbity blahbity bloobity boo! hoo-rah. hope your hip holds out abby! i feel pretty good after the 9 miles...the real test comes once we get up in the 15, 18, 20 mile range - or so i'm told.


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