Thursday, August 03, 2006

recovery day -gerlinda

i was supposed to run 4.5 today...but i am SO FREAKING SORE from boot camp that i can barely move. so, i'm taking my rest day today.

anyway, abby, yes totally, you can do bootcamp in your back yard. it mainly consists of high-intensitiy aerobic exercise studded with anerobic exercises that you can do using the resistance of your own body. the instructors tell me that there is nothing better for "strengthening the core."

anyway, if you wanted to do boot camp on your own, start out with a brisk jog around the block up your street and then back inside your house & run up and down your stairs 3 times. then do a few minutes of "dynamic stretching" - walk tiny steps on your toes, then on your heels, then do butt kicks, then running butt kicks, and finish it up with something like "inchworm" (from pike position, walk you hands out into pushup position and then walk your feet back in until you're in pike position again.)

then comes an endless variety of exercises like:
-rowboats (you balance on your tailbone and then put your legs out in front of you and "row" them back as if your arms were holding oars...)
-fire hydrants (on your hands & knees, lift one bent leg until your thigh as high as you can like you're a dog peeing on a fire hydrant)
-burpees (leap into the air and then squat as low as you can in a single motion, do this over and over)
-leap frog (feet wide, butt low, jump forward or back or alternate)
-plank (balance on your toes & elbows, keeping your body stiff and level off the ground for 1 minute)
-side plank (same as plank, but on your side...lift your arm & leg into the air to make it harder - 30 seconds each side)
-superman (lie on your stomach & lift your arms and legs 6 inches off the ground for 1 minute)
-bicycles...pushups...dips...jumping jacks.

Jog or sprint between each set of exercises (usually 15-20 of each)
sometimes we do plyometrics (look those up online! those KILL.)
sometimes we do just sprinting, sucide drills, etc. (sprint for 20 seconds, jog for 30, sprint, jog - try it for half an hour!)

oh, and they love to make us run hills...up and down, snaking up and down...until we all wish we could die.

You keep your heart racing for 45-50 minutes, and then you do 5-10 minutes of stretching.

as for the flat stomach thing...i've never had one, so i can't personally help you out. BUT, the bootcamp instructor always says if you have very little body fat but still can't seem to get a flat stomach, you should try more stuff with your hip flexors. like this stretch:


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