Monday, July 31, 2006

cold snap by abby

i know a person can only complain about the weather so much before it starts to get old. luckily, today seems to have brought in a cold front that very well may be the end of the Infernal Heat Streak of 2007. It's 70 out right now, and slightly overcast, and i'm sitting in front of my computer at home, with the windows flung open and a fresh breeze whipping papers around the room. this makes me one happy gal.

actually, everyone's in a pretty good mood. my boss suggested that last night was finally cool enough for all of us to get some real sleep. that's a good point.

so i did a 15-mile road bike ride. i was going to do 20, but then it occurred to me that i should probably begin giving my legs a little rest on the day after longer runs. i think i will start swimming on mondays. i know i've said that before, but i think i mean it this time. it's just that today, with the nicest weather we've had since may, it was hard for me to justify being inside.

anyhoooooow, can you believe that i might actually have to wear long sleeves for my run tomorrow morning? and also, have i mentioned how ready i am for fall/winter???


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