Monday, July 24, 2006

sat-sun by abby

i got home pretty late from my show friday night, but i have these fool-proof dog alarm clocks who like to wake up with the sun, so i got up and was running by 7:00. apparently the mid-90s we were having last week were actually a cold front of blue triangles ... as it was in the 100s all weekend. so it was already hot at 7:00am, but i was grateful for a southerly breeze. i did the same run as last week and felt slightly less strong, probably due to a week of anxiety-ridden sleep. at any rate, i feel ready to move up to 7.

my hip is doing okay. it gets a little twingey every now and then, but i command it to stop with my brain and that seems to be working for now. in the past, the real test has come around 10 miles, so i guess we'll see. for blisters -- that second skin stuff is good and easy to carry for a quick fix. if you're just getting them on your ankles/heels, that should work fine. if you're getting them other places on your foot, you might consider thicker socks. i can tell you that the bottoms of my feet, right at the ball, were close to blistering at around 24 miles. they never actually blistered, but they were pretty raw and sore. so i plan for thicker socks this time around.

then i spent the rest of the day saturday and all day sunday in livingston helping my friend ashley build a fence. ashley's an architect, and she designed her fence and milled all the wood herself, which is pretty cool. we built the framing on saturday and cut and installed the boards sunday and all that was possibly the hardest manual labor i have done in ... well, pretty much ever. we rewarded ourselves with a late, lazy float and it was even hot on the river.

so my hamstrings are extra sore and tight from digging, and my arms are sore from drilling/cutting and everything else is sore too. but you know, i kinda like it. in a way, i would give up my day job in a heartbeat for the chance to be building stuff. ashley's got some wood left over, so i think i'll build a coffee table with some of that and some of our big old pieces of firewood that are aging awesomely.


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