Saturday, July 15, 2006

thur-fri-sat by abby

thursday: 4 miles. felt good. stretching, weights, yoga.

friday: should've been a rest day, but i went for a road bike ride. i rode harder than i normally would on a rest day, because i needed to get my heart rate up over something besides my friend's dog getting killed, an icky situation at work and the little black rain cloud that's been puffing itself out inside my brain these days. thanks to the newly paved cameron bridge road, i can get in a pretty killer ride in under an hour, which includes a massive 30mph downhill that i for one am scared to try to ride up. i averaged 17mph on this ride, which is a little above what i usually average, so i know that was mostly the adrenaline of the day catching up to me.

saturday: 6! actually 6.2! a 10k! this is my longest run in over a year. it was a good run. about 63 minutes, and i stopped to walk out a cramp at mile 4.5. i started a little later than i wanted, and it was already hot, but i felt good and settled in easily. then i stretched and did some yoga. the 6-miler always feels like a big jump up to me. from 4 to 5's not so big, but from 5 to 6 has always felt like an accomplishment. maybe it's because i know i'll be out for an hour, and an hour feels like a lot time. maybe it's because it's almost 1/2 of a 1/2 marathon, and almost 1/4 of a marathon. i dunno. i did the long run today because tomorrow i hope to sleep in and then hit the river for some paddling and floating.

hey g -- the yoga could have made you a little sore before your run, w/o you knowing it, maybe. was it bikram? the first time i did that i could barely walk the next day. i don't go regularly right now (though i will start up again in the fall) but the yoga i do at home after running is of the bikram set. i like it best for the kind of deep stretching that i seem to need.


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