Monday, July 10, 2006

fri., sat & sun - gerlinda

friday - i think i just rested. i can't remember if i did anything else...

saturday - was supposed to be crosstraining, but i ended up working dawn to dusk on the new house. my friends came over and we sanded the hardwood floors in one room, repaired & skim coated a plaster wall, peeled off nasty wallpaper, sanded the walls and repainted half the interior of the house. does that count as crosstraining???

sunday - i ran my 5 miles @ the gym b/c i waited too late in the day to run outside. i was *so tired* from only getting 4 hours sleep the night before, but my Amino Vital got me through - and it actually felt really great to run. I was planning to take it easy, but I slowly increased the speed & incline on the treadmill - mostly just to play mental games with myself - and i did the 5 miles in 53 minutes. i still need to get a little faster if i want to catch abby...but, that was pretty good for me.


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