Wednesday, July 26, 2006

la-Z by abby

monday i freaked out and decided not to go to work, so i got in a 17-mile road bike ride in the late morning, which was awesome except for the part where the road construction crew almost ran over me.

tuesday i hauled myself out of bed despite all protests from my brain, and did a 4.5-miler which included 1 mile of gravel. it was a good run. i did it in just under 45 minutes which, given the gravel section, feels like a good time. i hated the shorts i was wearing, and they are going in the goodwill bag as soon as i wash them.

today i think the weather is getting to me. it's so hot, and there's just no relief, and i'm over it. i'm ready for snow. i really really am. i've been sluggish and lazy and gross and blah all week, and the only reason i got up to run yesterday is because i've learned the importance of getting in at least the training runs. anyhoo ... i'm hoping to get in some kind of bike ride this afternoon or tonight, but who knows? i might just under a hose.

tomorrow i have another 4.5-er and i will probably do the gravel run again, because it's harder than the pavement run. gerlinda -- good luck with your gnarly course!! when i have really hilly courses (which i will starting with this weekend's 7-miler), i usually let myself walk the hills, or at least part of the hills ... so i don't kill myself too early on. since you work against gravity, your heartrate stays up and it's not really important to get up the hills fast ... just to get up them. it's kind of nice to switch to different muscles for a few minutes too.


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