Friday, August 11, 2006

the treadmill is my friend - gerlinda

abby, i totally understand how you feel about the treadmill ... i wish i shared the sentiment, because i can't quite shake the notion that it's "cheating" to run on the treadmill. then again, i seriously doubt i would run at all if i had to do it in the heat and humidity. i'd like to think i'd suck it up - but i know myself well enough to know that i'd start feeling like a hypocondriac, and then i'd let myself quit - you know, so that i wouldn't actually die. but then i see all these superstars running out in the middle of the day, glistening and looking oh so tough. and then i feel like a wuss.

but hey - whatever works, right? if it has to be the treadmill or nothing...then at least i'm not doing nothing.

ANYWAY. so. yesterday was one of those days that was just packed end to end with stuff. and the only time i had to run was at the crack of dawn. but of course, i couldn't pry myself out of bed. so then i had to take time off work to run; i asked if it would be ok to take some sick time so that that i could pack in everything i needed to pack in (i still worked about 3 hours,) and my boss said, "well if it's for something important then fine - but if it's just to go workout then..." and that's when i realized that, actually, running IS something important, to me. apparently, more important than work, actually! but - i need to get my priorities in order. its not fair of me to take time away from work, or my band, etc, just to run. instead, i should take time away from, oh, staying up late reading or going out to have fun, or any of the countless things i do that make it hard for me to get up in the morning and run... balance, gerlinda! balance...

i'm working on it.
that said, i didn't have time to do 5 miles yesterday. so i told myself i'd just do a 5K, and i'd do it in under 30 minutes. and so i did. 29:14 - i've shaved almost 15 minutes off my 43:45 5K time from January 2005. and i really think i couldn've gone even faster. almost every time i run, now, i set a personal record. i know this won't continue, so i'm trying to savor these moments as they come.

26.2 miles still feels like such a long way to run. secretly, i'd like to do it in under 5 hours - but that's at least a 9:45 pace, and i'm just not there yet. i've got this weekend's 9 miler looming ahead of me, and even THAT still feels reeeaaaaalllllly long. the thought of 26.2 miles is pretty intimidating. i try to focus on the next goal and not think about what's coming up in january 2007! honestly, the most important thing about that race will be showing up at the starting line in the first place. sometimes i still can't believe i'm doing this. and that's a good thing. i keep surprising myself.


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