Wednesday, August 09, 2006

5 miles & boot camp - gerlinda

a funny thing happened on the way to the gym yesterday...

i had just stepped over the curb & into the courtyard of Ansley Mall when I noticed a handsome, well-built dude wearing a white T-Shirt jogging toward me. I figured he had just worked out, and was now jogging to his car. "Way to go," I thought.

But then I noticed a cop also running toward me with much more difficulty, huffing and sort of wobbling. and then, in the way that things get all slow-motion sometimes, i noticed that the cop was in the process of gender reassignment. "She" had a purple streak in her long, pulled-back hair, and she was talking (gasping) into the little radio clipped to her shoulder. i heard certain words: "black male," "white t-shirt," "on foot." And that's when I realized, hey neato! there was a bona-fide chase in progress! As the cop ran past me, I turned to watch. Gee! I thought, This is just like TV!

White T-shirt man jumped into the driver's seat of a black truck that was parked, running, at the curb. Transgender cop planted herself in front of the truck and pulled a full-on, gun-out, Charlie's Angels pose. Her voice dropped a couple octaves and when she shouted "TURN OFF THE CAR! TURN THE CAR OFF NOW!" she no longer sounded even remotely like a "she."

it was then that i realized perphaps this wasn't just like TV! after all.
so i walked, rather quickly, away and into the gym.
and then i ran 5 miles in 48:45.

this morning, i got up @ 5am and went to boot camp, where we did a bunch of leg work - lunges and hamstring exercises and leap frogs and hills and sprinting.

PS - it turns out White T-Shirt Dude had tried to rob a bank!!


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