Wednesday, August 16, 2006

4.8 blechy miles - gerlinda


i think i had my first truely horrible run yesterday. i went to the gym as usual. i set the treadmill on the usual pace. the first mile was fine, the second mile felt great. and then i got ambitious. i decided to "fartlek" the rest of the run, so as mile 2 rolled over into mile 3, i cranked the speed up to about an 8 minute pace and i forced myself to run that fast for a quarter mile. you wasn't so went by kind of fast, and i didn't die, and i was still somewhat in control of my breath.

but then, when i slowed back down to my "usual" 10 minute pace (which is still fast for me, but i punish myself, see, for cheating by using the treadmill,) i got a side stitch AND the dreaded "lung cramps" - which are difficult to describe, but basically feel like there is a bubble of air trapped between the ribs near my right lung, and it's a piercing kind of pain, like a stitch, but in your lung. i tried to push through it but it kept getting worse, and finally i had to walk for a bit. it was all downhill from there.

i honestly wanted to quit because it was such a bad run...but i was mad at myself (apparently cabernet and carrot cake don't make the best nutrition for a runner, despite the carb load. and even though i was celebrating my birthday - c'mon! i'm pursuing a goal here! i owe it to myself to push through the rough patches.) anyway, i ended the run 2 10ths short because there is a time limit on the treadmills at the gym and a cue was forming, vultures circling as the counter on my machine clicked ever closer to the limit...

onward and upward. i was actually supposed to "ramp down" last week, but instead i pushed ahead and did 9 miles. and then celebrated my birthday in huge style. and my body is paying for it now. i still feel ache-y and tired, despite eating right and getting plenty of sleep yesterday. maybe i should go easy on myself this week? today's a crosstraining day, so maybe i'll just walk a couple miles with my dog, rather than doing bootcamp or cycling.


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