Monday, September 11, 2006

this week sucked X 2 - gerlinda

Abby - I have no earthly idea why some runs just, and others feel great. I don't seem to have any kind of consistency with my runs. I can't seem to find connections between sleep or food or stress or anything as to why one run would feel so much harder than you think it should... Maybe i should start keeping a written record of food & stuff, like when i was in boot camp. Maybe there *are* patterns, but I'm just missing them. I dunno.

Anyway, I kind of took last week off as a reward to myself for finishing the 1/2 marathon. I did a little swimming on Monday, mostly to work out the soreness I had in my quads. I lifted a few weights on tuesday - enough to make me sore the next day, but nothing too harsh. I didn't do anything at all Wed or Thurs. Friday, I went on a 13ish mile hike, but it was moderate, and I stopped for about an hour in the middle to eat a sandwich, read, enjoy the view, etc.

Saturday, I tried to run for the first time since the half. I had one of those "off" runs you were describing, Abby. I was on vacation w/ my family in W. Va, so I took advantage of the opportunity to run on trails. I meant to just head out for about an hour long run, but, I only made it 45 minutes. And I had to stop and walk a few times. I just felt, flat I guess. I was wearing my heart rate monitor, and even though it read in the 150's, I was breathing heavy. I amost wonder if I lost some of my aerobic conditioning by not doing anything this week? It was nice to run on the trails, though. Would've been nicer if I'd felt good about the run. Onward & Upward! Today, I have to get back on my program!


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