Thursday, August 31, 2006

the half marathon is this weekend! -gerlinda

the half marathon in Virginia Beach is this sunday! i can hardly believe it...

have i trained hard enough? am i prepared? who knows. yes, i have followed through with all the "running" days on my schedule. sometimes i've moved them up or back a day or two, but i think i've knocked out every single one. the stretching and crosstraining days, however... well, best to not talk about that! abby says i'm okay, that i've worked hard enough.

the 11.6 miles i did last weekend helped a little with my confidence, even though - as runs go, with the walk breaks, the uneven pacing, the occasional certainty that i might die at any moment, it was a sucky one.

my schedule had me running 4 miles on tuesday...but i left my running shoes out in the rain sunday night, and they still weren't dry. so, i ran my 4.5 mile Grant Park loop yesterday. it was my first "evening" run. i set off at about 5:45. i felt like i was running slow, but after about 2.5 miles, i had to walk. could i have pushed through it? probably. the rest of the "run" was more of a run/walk. i'd run fast for a bit. walk for a bit. in the end, i stopped at the foot of the gruesome hill and did lunge walks up it. definitely one of the suckier runs i've ever been on. was it the heat? the humidity? were my legs still tired from last weekend? who knows? i'm not dwelling on it, and i didn't even wear my watch. i feel good that i got out there and tried to run, at least.

per the schedule, i'm supposed to run 2 miles tonight and then rest for the next 2 days. thanks to the large blister on my left heel (thank you 10-mile run two weeks ago,) i think i'm going to skip the 2 miles and just do yoga instead. i feel as ready as i'm going to get for the 1/2 marathon. barring breaking an ankle or something, i expect to at least be able to finish the thing.

my PanCAN shirt is probably not going to arrive in time, but that's OK! i will find a way to post Dad's name on the back of my shirt, and i will be thinking of him while i run. i know he would be proud of the fact that i've made it to the starting line.


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