Tuesday, August 22, 2006

this week by abby

i ran saturday and took sunday off. saw my homeopathic dr on sunday and we talked long and hard about my hip. so i'm trying some new things and we'll see how that goes. one thing i'm not trying, ever, i think, no matter how bad my hip hurts, is liver enzymes. okay. 'nuf said. i've got some collagen junk to start on, and ruta grave and calc flour and a very huge dose of arnica. my hip's been holding out, so this stuff is to try to keep it that way, and also to address the weakness and try to correct it.

this week's wonky cuz i'm going out of town.
MON i ran my usual 5 on cameron bridge. i felt just swell.
TUE is today and i meant to do backyard bootcamp but that didn't happen. so i thought i would swim at lunch but the pool's closed (!) and so now i might (but probably won't) get a bike ride in after work. bah.
WED i will run the usual 5 and hopefully feel swell again.
THU will be off cuz i'm driving to denver to hang w/ my mom,dad,sis,bro-n-law + neice for a few days.
FRI my mom and i are driving to summit county to ride bikes from frisco to vail and back, or something like that.
SAT i am running my 10-ish miles on the highline canal trail. my mom figures i could run about a zillion laps around their neighborhood, but the canal trail sounds way better. mom also figures that she will skate with me while i run. thaaat should be interesting.
SUN mom, my dog mae and i are doing the denver climb to conquer cancer at lookout mountain. mae gets a bandana and everything!

next weekend i am planning to run from my house to somewhere in manhattan (mt), which will be about 12 miles, i think.


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