Monday, August 28, 2006 abby

hey, gerlinda -- very excellent of you to get up and out and do the run. you will kick major half-marathon butt and i will be thinking of you next weekend. three cheers for you! and rama! and lauren! hoorah! also, wheeeee --- it's almost september!!!! which means we get to see you soonish. :)

my mother is part bunny, part mountain goat. i am 22 years her junior, and i can't keep up. you have to understand that she is this wee tiny little person, only about 110lbs, with the personality of the smart high school cheerleader you were actually friends with (mom, in the unlikely event that you happen to be reading this, that is actually a compliment) and this massive metabolism that neither me nor my sister happened to inherit. it's sick, really.

i got my schedule all whacked out. but. friday i got in 10 miles on the highline canal train which is this super-cool crushed gravel trail that goes for like 80 miles all through denver. i envy denver its trail system. make it come to bozeman! my mom rode her bike and we chatted (read: i talked nonstop) and since i normally run alone, that was nice. i went a bit slower than normal because of the talking, but i'm fine with that. she got me a heart rate monitor for my bday, so now i know things like 10-minute pace is about 160-164 bpm for me. i have no idea what my max heart rate is or should be. that 226 - age thing is crap. but there are ways to figure it out and i have a book now, so i will learn. anyway, i wasn't too sore or tired or anything, so that's swell.

saturday was the cancer 10k and that was fun. it was pouring down rain in the morning, so we went to the registration and got our stuff and mae's stuff and then went to breakfast to wait for the rain to break (this was a non-competitive race; you could start whenever you want). only .... we had to take this little bus thing from the parking to the start, so when we got there, really early, at like 6:30am, there was no one there because of the rain. so we loaded up back on the bus (plus mae) and went back to the parking place. when the bus door opened, i got up to get out and put one foot on the top step of the bus. it was wet and so was my boot and so out went my foot and up in the air went me and then down hard on the top step on basically my left kidney and then slide slide slide down all the steps ouch bruise pain ouch.

so i popped right up because i hate stuff like that and walked it off and whatever don't touch me. but i have a majorly large massive hematoma on my back, plus what looks like mountain lion claw marks since the bus steps had this corrugated pattern (which doesn't work to keep people from slipping, obvs). still. i went and ate breakfast and then came back and did the 10k hike which was fun and the weather cleared and later i ached and thought i would barf but oh well. at least nothing broke. my family is quick to laugh at my constant gracelessness ... but this was really just wet shoes and wet bus floor and it could have been anyone, not just the capital-K Klutz of the clan. so there. :P i'll see the chiropractor and he'll put everything back where it goes.

and, my mom is getting into running, which is cool. i told her congrats on her first 10k, even though it was a hike. she is hoping to do a 5k run in september and maybe work up to a 10k for next summer. good for her! she's always told me i'm crazy for running, so i'm glad to see her getting into it. more running converts!

sunday we did a few miles on the mtn bikes on the canal trail again and that was easy and nice. and today i drove and i swear if i have to spend one more second in the car i will scream. i am sore from that and sore from falling and sore from hauling around my neice (optober! (october) rapumzel! (rapunzel) deer tractors! (deer tracks) and all the other groovy things 3.5-year-olds say). my mom says i need more weight training. thanks, mom.

tomorrow, 5.


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