Saturday, September 09, 2006

ashes, ashes, we all run 8 - by abby

this week sucked!!!!!!! it was sooo smokey by weds and thurs that there was ash in the air here. thursday i planned to do 5 on the treadmill, but i loathe the treadmill so much that when it came time to actually do it, i didn't. argh!!!! so, that means i missed wed and thurs, which meant i had to do *something* friday. or course, there was still the ash issue, which means no outside exercise, etc, etc, WILL SOMEONE PLEASE PUT THE FIRES OUT????

i'm a bit rigid when it comes to scheduling and time. i admit it. i like getting my run workouts done in the morning, because i don't like having them hanging over my head all day. if something happens to inhibit my schedule – like, oh say 300,000 acres go up in flames about 30 miles away – i have a really hard time dealing with it. it's an ocd thing, and it will always plague me, i'm sure, but i just need to be okay with things going differently. SO. that said, after throwing a brief tantrum and being inconsolably grouchy early friday morning, i put my on my run clothes, shoved some jeans and a tshirt in my gym bag, and hit the gym. and it wasn't that big of a deal, i told myself. FINE. so i did 4 on the treadmill at about 9:30 pace and was at work by 9, which is when everyone else shows up, so no one even noticed that i wasn't there at 8 like usual. so .... in the future, if there are environment/weather issues, i know that i can be okay with the gym as an option. of course the gym is always an option -- it's my own stupid stubborness about wanting to be outside that's the issue. but see ... i'm becoming more flexible by the minute!

ANYWAY. today was not quite as smokey, and i felt okay about running outside. i did 8, in about 1:20, and honestly, i felt horrible. gerlinda has asked if i feel bad if i don't run well, and i've always said i try not to judge myself. but today, something was just off. i mean, i felt great about last week's 12. so why would 8 be an issue suddenly? maybe it was because my schedule got all wonked and i missed more workouts than normal and got myself all worked up about that. maybe it was because i had a show last night and ended up eating dinner at 10:30, and just a measly salad at that. maybe it's 7 days of breathing ash. i dunno. gah.


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