Thursday, September 28, 2006

the perfect run - gerlinda

i had one of those runs yesterday that was so amazing it's hard to describe. why can't you bottle up that mood and take a shot before every run??? i don't know what it was... the perfect weather? it was dusk and the air was cool and almost autumn-y. i did my 4.5m loop around grant park, varying the route slightly to avoid having to go DOWN the monster hill at the beginning. i had put some new music on my iPod - some cure and radiohead and this song called "metal and steel" that i love. i somehow managed to pace myself and not get all exhausted in the beginning. there was this one moment at about the first mile, where i had to cross the street & i found myself face to face with oncoming traffic, so i turned up the gas and sprinted across the road, and it was like i had never felt those muscles before - they were so strong all of a sudden, it was like nothing to just keep going faster and faster. i mean, it was only crossing the street - but i surprised myself. i felt like i could outrun the traffic! i kept getting faster and faster as the run progressed and the music pumped me up. i think i did the loop in 43 minutes and felt so good at the end that i ran right by my street and had to turn around...

i dunno what it was - a gift from the running gods, i suppose! tuesday's 3-miler sucked; i went too fast and then had to stop and walk for a bit. i need to do another short run today or tomrrow & then this weekend, abby & i are going to run around for an hour 1/2 or so, trying to get in 9 miles. IF SHE'S NOT TOO SORE!!!!! :)


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