Sunday, September 17, 2006

10 again by abby

crazy week. i think i left off at monday.
tues -- 5 mi run
weds -- pilates; 12 mi mountain bike ride (50 mins)
thurs -- 5 mi run
fri -- pilates
sat -- 3 mi walk w/ dogs
today -- 10. felt great. i dunno what my problem was last week. probably just anxiety. today's run was cold and very windy, but i had on the right clothes and really felt fine. time was 1:41, so i should be able to pull off a 2:10-2:15 half next week, although i know it's a tough, gravelly and hilly course so who knows? i'm just going to go and run it and do my best and have no expectations (as much as i manage that). today i played with food a little. food has a tendency to be my worst enemy during races, mostly because it get myself all worked up and then my insides revolt. but i know it's important to figure out what will work and what won't, thus the beginnings of experimentation. today i ate a clif bar shot block organic energy chew at about mile 6, just to see how that went. it went fine. maybe it helped. maybe it didn't. i've never really been an eater on runs. gu and other gels make me gag, though admittedly i have the gag reflexes of a 2-month-old. power bars and the like are okay if they're softened enough, and that's the road i've gone down in the past -- 1/2 a powerbar before a race, the other 1/2 during. recently i've found the clif bar nectar bars to be my energy bar of choice -- they're soft and date/fig/nut-based and all natural and easy to get down. so these shot block things are interesting. they're chewy and sweet and organic, which i like. they come in a few different flavors and today's the first day i tried one and like i said, maybe it helped, maybe it didn't. anyway. food. gah. whatevs.

pilates is a new introduction into my workouts, and i'm using it mostly for strength and stretching. and plus i can do it from home, for free, which is good. i wanted to be in bikgram yoga again at this point, but right now i can't afford that, so, pilates it is! and i like it -- it's fine. i can get a good workout in in 30 minutes before work and it's a good way to wake up, i guess. so anyway. i plan to do it M-W-F. that's the story. next week's the half marathon!


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