Thursday, September 14, 2006

just checkin' in - gerlinda

Abby, i think we must be on different training schedules at this point...
after the half, my schedule switched over the Hal Higdon's novice marathon training schedule - which has me running 4 days per week, instead of the 3 + cross that i was doing on the half schedule. also, my long run is slated for saturdays instead of sundays (but i'll prolly be switching that.)

ANYWAY, at this early stage, 3 of my 4 runs this week are 3m each; the 4th is 7 miles. i've done 2 of the 3 milers so far, and hopefully will do another 3 miler tomorrow. again, i'm having trouble forcing myself out of bed in the i've been doing the 3 milers at the gym, on my lunch break. Good news is that i shaved my 5K time down to 28:45! i still feel like i could go faster - but i seem to lack the mental character to block out the "pain" of pushing myself that hard.

i'm not competitive and there is a large part of me that finds it incomprehensible that anyone would ever want to hurt so much just to get a faster time...when its so rewarding just to run, period.


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