Monday, November 06, 2006

wormhole -- by abby

saturday i got up early and did a relatively easy 10.4 miles in 1:36 or so. it was cold and clammy out, and my breath froze in little clouds that took a long time to disappear. i imagined them like thought bubbles hanging in space as i ran through it.

speaking of running through space ... there is this one mile that i swear is a wormhole. it's the same stretch of road -- sometimes it's mile 6 or mile 8 or mile 10 depending on how far i run and the route -- from the dairy farm to river road heading east. anyway, i call it The Longest Mile, because it seems like it takes forever to run it. even though it's only a mile like every other mile, and even though i run it in the same amount of time that i run all the other miles .... it just feels like it takes ages to get from one end of it to the other, and time seems to stop and i can never remember what songs were on the ipod and i can never remember what i thought about or how the road was or if any cars passed. it's like i just end up at river road, and can't remember how i got there, but can remember that it seemed to've taken a very long time. and then once i'm there everything's back to normal and the miles seem right again and my mind's back in my head and i realize i am breathing.

see: wormhole. or else: aliens?


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