Monday, November 20, 2006

18 ?!?! - gerlinda

last week was full of weird running ju-ju. on tuesday's 4 miler, it got dark after the first 1/2 hour and i got kind of lost and ended up running for 50 minutues before i could get reoriented.

wednesday's 8 miler just ... didn't happen. i meant to do it, but then i overslept and there was no time to fit it in.

i was going to make it up on thursday...but then i overslept and ended up just having to do 4 miles at the gym during lunch - AND, i forgot my sports bra, so i had to run the whole time bouncing and popping out of my lacy victoria secret bra. perhaps you're smiling, reading that, but I WASN'T.

then, i found out my trusty LSD running partners had come down with colds and were going to have to bail on our 18-miler. this send me inexplicably into a tailspin. saturday, i was a royal beeeyatch - slamming stuff around, cleaning my house like a maniac. finally, i realized i was just TERRIFIED about doing the 18 miles...

i mean, 18 miles is A LONG FREAKING WAY.

once i realized why i was so veclempt, i calmed down a little. sunday, i got up and knocked out the run in 2:50 - a 9:27 pace. a friend came along on her bike and "crewed" for me, so i didn't have to ration out one bottle of Gatorade over the 18 miles. i ate 1/2 a Zone bar & stretched at the midway point. i let myself take 30-45 sec. walk breaks every 3 miles or so. i listened to music for the first 10 miles, then abadoned my iPod shuffle and ran to the sound of my own footsteps and breathing.

it wasn't easy. i had a calf cramp that took the first 3 or so miles to work out. my knees felt good, but my hip sockets (not the muscles, but the actual, like sockets) were hurting the last couple miles. but - thanks to my "Crew," i honestly felt more fueled and less rubbery than normal. i still had a couple of en route hallucinations - like the little field mouse i saw 4-up-and-hard on the side of the trail, which turned out to be a dried up leaf... but that can happen to anyone, right?

i'm proud of myself, but still very intimidated by the marathon distance... still totally unsure how i'll *ever* run 26.2 miles... still waiting to hit the wall and crap out... still waiting to not be able to keep the pace (which is fine - i'm running way faster than i ever imagined, and i would be happy to just finish in under 5 hours...or honestly, to just finish, period.) wish me luck!! the training is getting very difficult, very intimidating mentally, and very demanding in terms of the sheer amount of time and preparation it's taking. at this point, i'm just really looking forward to running the race.


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