Saturday, June 24, 2006

and more bike rides - by gerlinda

Abby, what is this "active rest" business? is 'rest' not supposed to actually = literal rest?

ANYWAY - so yesterday, i partied with my bootcamp friends. all the instructors have stories just like mine where they've had bad breakups, or deaths, or lack of confidence, or something bad that propelled them into boot camp. and, like me, they've transformed their minds by gutting it out, doing pushups in the mud at 5:30am...

today on crosstraining day, i did what abby did on her 'active rest' day - took an easy bike ride. well, ok, i occasionally huffed and puffed, and i defininitely got sweaty. but then there were the downhill parts in between where i hurtled through space on wheels. i'm not much of a biker. my bike is 11 years old, has never been serviced, and is covered in dust. but it's a Trek, and it's light, and it's green, and it has road tires (smaller, less knobby ones than mountain bike tires, but beefier than 10-speed tires.)

things i learned today:
  1. biking really hurts whatever muscle it is that connects to your knee. is that your quad? you know how squats make your quads hurt in the front-middle of your thigh? biking makes your muscles hurt in the front-bottom and mine were screaming. i hope this eventually results in muscles that pop out like you see on TV.
  2. running shorts are horrible for biking. i managed to avoid the chafe by spreading my legs wide and opening my crotch to the breeze... (ok, just kidding - but srsly, note to self: wear longer shorts next time.)
i biked up the freedom parkway trail for a few miles, then detoured through candler park to east atlanta, where i stopped to buy guitar strings. then i headed home via ormewood park, past my new house, which i am supposed to close on tuesday. i noticed the current occupant is still in it. wonder when he's moving out??

right now i'm eating a salad that would disgust even someone who hadn't eaten in 3 days...lettuce, bluecheese, cranberries, pecans, tomato (and here's where it gets gross), tuna, topped off with balsalmic vinegrette. it was all i could find in the fridge. now i'm off to a pool party, and later tonight, my band is playing a show at a birthday party for the woman who wrote and directed The Adventures of Oicee Nash.


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