Friday, June 23, 2006

Free Day - by Gerlinda

Friday's are rest days according to ye olde training schedule... of course, i was on vacation in Maine earlier this week - so i really should get off my arse & go for a short jog, at the very least. But - instead, I think I'll attend the "boot camp wrap up party." I want to say goodbye to all the inspirational folks I've met there.

Yesterday's workout was OK. I ran 3-1/2 miles...I think I was only supposed to run 3, but honestly - what difference does it make? I ran kind of faster than normal...a bit over a 10-min/mile pace (I'm way slower than Abby, you guys!) My plan was to crank up the speed in mile 3, but i started getting these weird lung cramps. almost like chest pains, but more under my ribs, and, well, they just felt different than a heart attack, i think. Anyway, I slowed back down in order to avoid dying. death would kind of put a crimp in my training. still, since it was sort of a short run, i pushed myself. Me pushing myself is like Abby taking a slow stroll along the beach... :)

Tomorrow is crosstraining... My bike is packed up, so I'll be borrowing a friend's. Maybe I'll try to bike downtown? Atlanta almost feels like a "real" city down there.


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